Thursday 30 August 2012

It's time to start my own project. 
It would be great to play in Pure Date and create some colourful visualisation but I don't feel that my knowledge of the program is strong enough so I have to to go back to my initial idea. 
I was thinking about creating a slide show projection of my work using Pure Data software. It would be four movies presenting my work from different artistic fields put in one in Pure Data and controlled on the keyboard. All work is my own and include a digitised version of my drawing, painting, graphic, sculpture and photography, graphic design and animation. This solution could be very useful in exhibition case when the artist is usually limited by the exhibition space. Projection like this allows you to present a wider range of your artistic activity. All art work would be put into slide show in iPhoto and exported as a QuickTime movie then placed in one folder together with pd file. 

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